
When I Realized

If a person swears… by an oath, and he is unaware of it
(Leviticus 5:4)
When I first came to Christ, there were many things I did not know. I did not know that the Bible was God’s word. I did not know that I was to love God more than anyone else. I did not know about tithing, righteousness or faithfulness. As I realized these things I became guilty of violating them. God is wonderfully gracious. Before I came to a saving knowledge of Christ, I was running down hill full-bore in sin. When Christ saved me, my life began to change. He did not turn me around in every situation of my life instantaneously. He changed me gradually. If He had turned me around completely while running in sin, I most likely would have stumbled and fallen. He changed me one step at a time. As I realized my sin, I realized my guilt. As I realize my guilt, I realize my need to change.