
Temperate Decisions

The Lord spoke to Aaron saying, “Do not drink wine or intoxicating drink… that you may distinguish between holy and unholy, and between clean and unclean.”
(Leviticus 10:8-10)
Life’s decisions are to be made with a clear, undefiled mind. There is no room for tainted, clouded thinking when it comes to life. Whether in routine everyday choices or life-changing decisions, our minds are to be governed by the Holy Spirit, not spirits of another kind. If we are to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong, it is going to require the mind of the Lord. The best decisions will be made when the mind and heart are right before God. We must therefore be careful of what goes into our minds. Anything that would negatively alter our thinking is to be avoided. A physically healthy diet helps keep a mentally healthy mind, just as a spiritually healthy diet creates a spiritually healthy soul. I have found that the less junk I place in my stomach the more treasure I have in my mind. If it was good for the priest of Israel, it is good for the priest of your home.