
Remove the Plague

The priest shall pronounce the house clean, because the plague is healed.
(Leviticus 14:48)
Leprosy may no longer plague our homes, but various other ailments may. During a deadly plague, homes often had to be quarantined. This was done to protect unaffected people from the disease. We may not have to quarantine our homes from dreaded disease; however, we may need to quarantine them from infectious sin. As we would not want our homes plagued with disease, we likewise should not want them plagued with sin. Therefore, we must watch carefully what enters our homes. Whether through the Internet, television, radio, books, recordings or any other medium, our homes must be protected. If not, they will be judged unclean. As the priest of your home, it is up to you to pronounce it clean. For this to happen, you may have to be the one to clean it. What have you allowed into your home? Look around. Is your home plagued? If so, make the necessary sacrifice to pronounce it clean.