
You Are What You Speak

And He said, “What comes out of a man, that defiles a man.”
(Mark 7:20)
It has been said, “You are what you eat.” Our text declares that you are what you speak. I am not talking about a drummed up pseudo-positive profession. I am talking about speaking that which is in your heart without filtering it through the mind and the Spirit. God has given us the ability to change our hearts. We do so by changing our words. If all that proceeds out of your mouth is negative, stop it and make it positive. If you are unable to speak edifying words, do not speak any words at all. Here is how: Stop complaining. Stop backbiting. Stop belittling. Stop the negative innuendoes. Stop the snide remarks. Quite simply stop anything that defiles another and you will stop defiling yourself. Negative remarks that come your way cannot defile you. Curt and cruel remarks made to you cannot or should not make any difference in who you are. However, curt and cruel remarks made by you reveal who you really are.