
Leave a Record

Now these are the records of Aaron and Moses…
(Numbers 3:1)
God directed these two brothers to keep a record of their families and the events of their lives. These records are called the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible. Because of their obedience, we have this great theological and historical record. How about you, what kind of records do you keep? How long will it be before future descendents have no recollection of you and your doings? Generations come and go too quickly. For example, I have very little information about my grandparents and none with regard to my great grandparents. How sad to have so quickly lost the history of my heritage. Today we have pictures and videos. But these seldom reflect the complete character of who we are. May I recommend a written record? Keep a journal or write your thoughts in a daily devotion. What a wonderful heritage these can be to your children and your children’s children and even to distant generations. Why not leave a record. I sure wish I had one from my forefathers.