
A Different Spirit

My servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed me fully, I will bring him into the land…
(Numbers 14:24)
Of the entire nation that was brought out of the bondage of Egypt, only Joshua and Caleb got into the Promised Land. Why? They had a different spirit. They had a spirit of obedience. Joshua and Caleb believed God and relentlessly followed Him. I am convinced that to have a different spirit is a choice we make. We do not have to be like the crowd. We do not have to follow every fad and trend that crosses our paths. We can have a spirit that says “I will follow the Lord.” Most marriages fail; I can have a different spirit and succeed. Most business do not prosper; I can have a different spirit and prosper. Most people go through life in drudgery. I can have a different spirit and have life and have it abundantly. I can choose the spirit of those who fell in the wilderness or I can chose the spirit of Joshua and Caleb. Lord, give me that different spirit that I may likewise get into your Promised Land.