
God’s Teachers

Then the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said…
(Numbers 22:28)
During summer break from college, my brother Jimmy worked for a local construction company. At the end of his first day, the foreman asked him to clean the dried concrete from some galvanized buckets. He was busy chipping away with a mason’s tool when a fellow named Soddo approached. Soddo, who was a mentally retarded Italian immigrant, said to my brother, “I show you how clean bucket.” My brother in his youthful arrogance thought, “Sure, I’m an engineering student and a mentally retarded laborer is going to teach me how to clean a bucket.” Nevertheless, he smugly handed it to him. Soddo took the bucket and slammed it against a wall, causing all of the dried concrete to instantly fall out. He, then, with a smile, handed the bucket back and walked away, leaving Jimmy standing, bucket in hand and wide-mouthed. The moral of the story:  God can use anybody or anything to teach His children. All we need is an ear to hear. Just remember Balaam’s donkey.