
Numbers Matter to God

These are those who were numbered of the children of Israel: six hundred and one thousand seven hundred and thirty.
(Numbers 26:51)
It is the beginning of the twenty-first century and the population of the world is six billion. This year (the year 2000) is a census year in the United States. This we do to see who we are and what is our makeup. God likewise numbers his creation. He not only counts heads, he counts the very hairs on those heads. God cares about numbers. He cares because numbers are His measurements. He numbers His children because His children are loved. He numbers His people because there is strength in numbers. He numbers the world, because He so loved the world. Numbers matter a great deal to God. He even named a book of the Bible after them, the Book of Numbers. I do not believe that there is a place that numbers matter more than in the place we call the church. You show me a church that does not care about numbers; I’ll show you a church that does not care about people. Therefore, let us watch and grow the numbers, because numbers matter to God.