
Willful Peace

Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace and pursue it.
(Psalm 34:14)
How do we go about departing from evil, seeking good and pursuing peace? The answer, in a word, is “willfully.” That is, we must do it on purpose. These things do not happen accidentally. Each causes the other. If we do good, we will depart from evil. If we attempt to depart from evil without doing good, we will eventually do more evil. If we remove evil from our lives without filling its void with good, a greater evil can take its place. Furthermore, peace is the purpose of the good that we do. Likewise we cannot attain peace without ridding ourselves of any evil that may be in us. Peace is more than the absence of war. Peace is having harmony with God and His creation. Therefore, peace can be obtained in the midst of war. When we do the good that we know to do, evil departs from us and peace pursues us. If we continue to do good in spite of what others are doing around us, we can be at peace in the midst of even the greatest of conflicts.