
When Pride Knocks at Your Door

Let not the foot of pride come against me, and let not the hand of the wicked drive me away.
(Psalm 36:11)
Pride, whether from within or without, will always be a foe. Those who are filled with pride will always despise any level of success you may achieve, especially if that success exceeds theirs. Likewise, pride from within is also despicable. It will sap you of the joy of your labor and attack the success of others. Pride in the hands of the wicked is a cancer of the soul. It will always work against you. Evil pride’s sisters are jealousy and envy. She is not to be entertained. Do not even flirt with her, even though she is flirtatious. In the end she will bight like a serpent and bring death to your dreams. Pride cannot stand in the presence of humility and honor. When we humble ourselves and honor others pride will flee. Therefore place honor at your door and he will keep the foot of pride from entering. Do this and you will never be driven away by the wicked.