
Diligence Rules

The hand of the diligent will rule, but the lazy man will be put to forced labor.
(Proverbs 12:24)
This may appear to be a hard word; nevertheless, I have found it to be true in my life. Those who diligently work at an endeavor will eventually lead that endeavor. Diligence is more than hard work; enthusiasm, knowledge and wisdom characterize it. Diligence requires body soul and mind. The diligent will succeed because it takes ownership and responsibility. Diligence is not only responsible, it is accountable. The lazy man on the other hand will always see his work as forced labor because he is doing what he does not want to do. It is not just a matter of desiring to do something else; it is a matter of not being diligent at whatever he is doing. The diligent man is described in the first Psalm, and it says, “Whatever he does shall prosper.” Are you ruling or are you at forced labor? Apply diligence and you will rule.