
The Power of the Engrafted Word

Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
(Deuteronomy 11:18)
There is much power in God’s Word, the book we call the Bible. The wise will not only read it, but will also bring portions of it to memory. If you do not already memorize portions of scripture, discipline yourself and begin. Just think, if you memorize one verse per week, you will have memorized 52 verses of God’s Word by the end of the year. Write them on cards and place them on your bathroom mirror, the dash of your car, your workplace, or next to your bed. Memorize the verses that speak loudly and clearly to you. Apply them during the day and you will hold them firmly in your mind and heart. Use them in your speech and during prayer and just watch the difference in your communication with both God and man. Place them ornamentally on the walls of your home. Most of all, write them on the walls of your heart, both to the glory and the honor of God and His Word.
Text For The Day
Deuteronomy 11:18: “Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.”
Thought For The Day
“The Word of God can literally save your life.  Benjamin Weir taught us that upon his release from captivity in the Near East a number of years ago.  He was a hostage held in a dark cold room for months.  This Presbyterian missionary and scholar said, ‘If it weren’t for the Scriptures that I had memorized from my childhood, I would not have survived.’” Benjamin Weir, US hostage in Lebanon; was released 1986
Questions To Ponder
·       Are there any other means more powerful that God uses to communicate with His creation than the book we call “The Word of God?”
·       If it were taken from you, how much of it would remain in you?
·       Think of the Scriptures that you have brought to memory. How have they served you? 
Morning Study Guide
Defining:  “Engrafted” As used here is to splice, join and attach the Word of God to yourself via displaying and memorizing it.
Referencing:             “Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You,” Psalm 119:11.
Applying: Endeavor to memorize your favorite Scriptures. They will serve you well.