
Getting Rid of the Leftovers

They were left, that He might test…them, to know whether they would obey…
(Judges 3:4)
What are the leftovers in your life? What areas remain that need to be thrown out? The children of Israel were in their third generation from the wilderness. The second generation knew war and the price to be paid to enter the Promised Land. This present generation was far removed from the exodus and the conquerings of their forefathers. Nevertheless, there remained five lords of the Philistines to be removed. God left these as a test of their obedience. They were to eradicate the land of these evil lords. Like this third generation, our generation may need to eradicate the sinful lords of our lives. They may be the lords of those old bad habits or the lords of lingering selfish egos. Unless they are destroyed, we like ancient Israel may begin to marry their sons and daughters and worship their false gods. Let us raise up the mighty warrior. Let us past the test of obedience and ride the land of our lives of these evil lords.