
It is Called Lying

Why do you boast in evil, O mighty man? You love evil more than good, lying rather than righteousness.
(Psalm 52:1&3)
What is your badge of honor? What is your boast? We more than often wear our sinful natures as badges of honor. We boast in old exploits and revel in past carousings. We often justify these badges of honor by saying such things as, “That’s just the way I am,” or “God made me this way.” That may be the way we are, but that is not the acceptable way we are to be. We may have been born with our besetting sins, but we dare not blame them on God. The only way there is to attempt to justify our sin is with more sin. It is called lying. We must stop lying about our bent toward sin and begin to lean toward the righteousness of God, which is found in Christ Jesus. We must get over ourselves and ride ourselves of our foolish boasting