
God’s Government or Man’s?

The people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, “No, but we will have a king over us.
(1 Samuel 8:19)
Because of our inherited sin nature, mankind is basically lazy. Left to his own devices, he will choose the way of lest resistance, even if that way is the way of death. In our day it is a socialistic mentality. Modern day socialism like historical socialism rewards the whiners of life and punishes the life’s winners. It is the Robin Hood mentality, and no matter how you look at it Robin Hood was a thief. It is not for God’s people to get caught up in the mentality that someone owes you something for the nothing that you choose to do. I have found life to be remarkably fair, if we accept the Creator’s course for our lives we will be blessed; if not we will receive the consequences of our choice. Overly simplified? Maybe so, but it sure works for this simple man. God’s ways are not complex. It is the sinful nature of man that is extremely complex. Why not choose God’s government; the benefits are exceptional.