
Wisdom Is All About Growth

The way of life winds upward for the wise, that he may turn away from hell below.
(Proverbs 15:24)
Wisdom grows, while foolishness attempts at best to plateau. Foolishness is looking to arrive, while wisdom is growing through the journey. Foolishness is all about the destination, while wisdom is all about the journey. Wisdom understands that life is all about growth. It is not about positions and goals alone. Now goals are to be sought, however they are merely bases around the diamond of life. Wisdom is ever looking and climbing upward. It only looks back to learn from its failures. It never revels in its successes. Successes are but stepping stones to growth. Wisdom desires for each succeeding day to be a day of growth. Wisdom works at growing relationships in marriage, friendships, and business and above all with Christ. Wisdom’s growth eliminates even the thought of a place called hell. Its focus is far above. Its ultimate destination is a place called heaven; and a person called Christ.