
They are in your Midst

Then all the wicked and worthless men… said, “Because they did not go with us, we will not give them any of the spoil…
(1 Samuel 30:22)
These were not men who were against David, these were his warriors. They were trusted friends. Like it or not, there will always be wicked and worthless men in our midst. They are standing with you now. You know their families and have placed a great amount of trust in them. Nevertheless, when the time arises, their true character will likewise arise. Greed cannot hide itself for long. Sooner or later it will lift its ugly head and reveal its true nature. Because there will always be wicked and worthless men in our midst, how we lead them will determine the success of our lives. David did not rid himself of them; he led them with a stronger hand. He set the rules and enforced them. Therefore when the wicked and worthless of life manifest themselves, do not be surprised. Deal with them firmly and let them know the requirements and lead them.