
Remembering Adonijah

If he proves himself a worthy man, not a hair shall fall to the earth, but if wickedness is found in him, he shall die.
(1 Kings 1:52)
Adonijah proved himself to be a wicked man and he died. Anytime we attempt to usurp godly authority we are heading down the road of wickedness. A worthy man or woman will deal honestly and will do so through proper authority. Instead of Adonijah going to the king, he went to the king’s mother conniving to supplant himself as king. Solomon in his wisdom saw this wickedness and had Adonijah rightfully put to death. You and I may not be put to death for our wicked attempts at usurping authority, but we surely will pay the consequences. We are to prove ourselves worthy by being openly honest and by following the godly chain of command. Any other direction will prove to be the direction of wickedness. We may succeed in the short run of events, but we will certainly fail in the long haul of life. Whenever you are tempted to usurp godly authority, remember Adonijah.