
Repent and Repay

Whoever rewards evil for good, evil will not depart from his house.
(Proverbs 17:13)
When one does their best and their best is ridiculed, the ridicule is an evil reward. When someone gives their best and their best is received with disdain, likewise that disdain is an evil reward. God’s message is clear, if we neglect to be thankful for the good of others; we will receive the fruit of our reward. If our homes are filled with evil, we may need to check how we have rewarded those who did us good. How have you treated the generosity of your parents? How have you returned the kindness of a friend? Have you thanked the one who bailed you out of your time of trouble? Reflect and examine how you responded the good that was done for you. You may find that you rewarded evil for good. Therefore evil has not departed from your house. Because of God’s graciousness, we can turn things around. Make restitution. Repent and repay good for the good that was shown you and your house.