
We Wear Our Hearts

Whatever prayer, whatever supplication is made by anyone… when each one knows the plague of his own heart…
(1 Kings 8:38)
Whenever we pray and ask God for deliverance from an ailment or dilemma of any sort, we are to first look at the possible ailments and dilemmas of our hearts. More than often our life’s situations are caused by our heart’s disposition. The attitude of the heart inevitably pilots the direction and course of life. Many a plague is rooted in the heart of man. If we have a rebellious heart, we will reap the fruit of that rebellion. If our hearts are filled with bitterness we will spew that bitterness from our mouths. We cannot hide what is in our hearts. Sooner or later the heart will manifest itself throughout the entire body. Therefore, know the plagues of your heart. Examine it daily. Confess the sins of the heart and pray that God would change your heart by giving you a heart of flesh instead of a heart of stone.