
Grow Root and Bear Fruit

And the remnant… shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward.
(2 Kings 19)
Here we have a powerful, profound truth. We cannot expect to grow and bear fruit if we are not firmly established. The problem with many of us is that we desire to bear fruit without being deep rooted. It takes a firm foundation to construct a great building. The key to bearing abundant fruit is being deep rooted. The success of the fruit is to be proportionate to the depth of the root. Therefore once we begin to be rooted, we should likewise begin bearing fruit. This is the growth process of success. Grow root and bear fruit. The deeper the root, the more the fruit. Even a potted plant can bear a small amount of fruit. However, unless it is transplanted, fertilized and nurtured its root system will not be established. Bearing fruit can be a wonderful process. It takes work and instruction. You will have to till the ground and remove the rocks. It will even require pruning. Nevertheless, when you grow root, you can and will bear fruit.