
Hard Question, Easy Answer

Peter and John answered and said… “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge.
(Acts 4:19)
This would seem to be an easily answered question. Surely if we were to obey anyone we would obey God. Nevertheless, it is usually a much more difficult question to answer than it may appear. The proof is in our obedience to what we know is right to do. How often do we do the things we know are wrong? How often to we disobey the very precepts and commandments we know are God’s will for our lives? If we are honest, we probably occasionally fail. Why? The reason we fail to heed the Word of the Lord is that we attempt to justify our emotions over the will of God. We lean on our own understanding and convince ourselves according to our own reasoning. We clearly are to do the will of the Lord. There is no room for self-justification. Think about and judge for yourself. Am I to obey God or man, even if I am the man?