
The Key To Great Growth

Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples was multiplied greatly.
(Acts 6:7)
Seven men willing to serve changed the size, shape and destiny of the church. God could have called for more prophets or more priests. He could have asked for more leaders and administrators. He did not. He asked for seven men willing to be servants. God is still looking for people who are willing to serve. He is looking for ushers and greeters, helpers, and attendants. If we are truly interested in the spreading of the gospel of Christ, we will find an area in which to genuinely serve. Consider this, the first century church had the apostles as their pastors and leaders. These were the very men who walked with Christ. Nevertheless, it too seven men willing to serve tables for the explosive growth of the church. God is looking for people who do not care who gets the credit, or even noticed. He is looking for a people with a heart to serve the number of disciples would multiply greatly.