
People Of The Way

King David made officials… for every matter pertaining to God and the affairs of the king.
(1 Chronicles 26:32)
Let us never forget that there is no filler in the bible. Every word has a godly and eternal purpose. There has always been and there need always be government. Government is simply the way things are accomplished, controlled and maintained. Without it anarchy inevitably follows. Whether in business, community or the home there must be a way of doing things. The creator is a God of organization. We see it here in our text. David a man after God’s own heart was a leader of government, God’s government. Therefore there must be structure and order in our lives. Our churches must purposefully be about the Lord’s business. There must be godly government in them or they will fall. The number one demise of churches, businesses and homes is a lack of God’s government. It is not a matter of just rules and regulations; it is a matter of oversight, grace and mercy. God’s government requires responsibility with accountability. Government is “The way,” God’s way.