
The Order Of The Day

“Now all the work of Solomon was well-ordered from the day of the foundation of the house of the Lord until it was finished.”
(2 Chronicles 8:16:)
If you want to know leadership you have got to study Solomon. Solomon was a leader of leaders. Here we see a characteristic of his leadership: “All the work of Solomon was well-ordered.” He simply had great organizational skills. From his house to the Lord’s house everything was done decently and in order. ?Solomon was a man of order because he served a God of order. From foundation to completion there was order. Just look at the universe. What do you see? You see order, not chaos; alignment, not randomness. Solomon saw it and he modeled it. ?Order requires planning, preparation, and commitment. Solomon planned his work and worked his plan. Therefore, his plan worked. We must understand that we cannot remove God from the equation and expect to maintain order. Without God, order is replaced with anarchy.