
Fighting God Is A Losing Battle

“…Do not fight against the Lord, the God of your fathers, for you shall not prosper.”
(2 Chronicles 13:12:)
If we continually fight against that which we know is right to do, we will find ourselves in a battle that cannot be won. Many times this battle between right and wrong takes place in our mind. ?We fight against our own consciences by foolishly attempting to justify the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life. God’s Word is clear in a matter but we attempt to nullify it by saying such foolish things like: “That was for another culture, not ours,” or “That was a law issue, I’m under grace.” ?If you are not prospering at an endeavor, check to see if you are fighting against the will and ways of God. If you find yourself attempting to justify your sin just remember, you are in a losing battle.