
You Have Got To Love This Story

“But Paul called with a loud voice saying, ‘Do yourself no harm, for we are all here.’”
(Acts 16:28:)
In this chapter of Acts, Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown into prison for preaching the gospel. Can you imagine being thrown into jail for proclaiming Christ’s love? What amazes me even more is the attitudes they had while they were chained and shackled to the dungeon wall. Do you think they complained? No. Did they attempt to escape? No. Then what did they do you ask? They prayed and sang hymns.?Be honest, what would you have been doing? I don’t know about you but I would have been lamenting and asking God, “Why me?” However, Paul and Silas trusted that the Lord was in total control and that their dilemma did not take heaven by surprise. ?Later in the story, God sent an angel to shake the prison loose. The doors swung open and the shackles fell off; however, Paul and Silas did not dash out for freedom. Instead, they remained and won the jailer and his entire family to Christ. ?You have just got to love this story.