
Mordecai and the Wisdom of Esther

“…Esther obeyed the command of Mordecai as when she was brought up by him.”
(Esther 2:20)
There is much to be learned from both Mordecai and Esther. Each demonstrated God-given wisdom and authority.?Esther remained under the authority of her surrogate father, Mordecai, until God released her as the wife of the king. She did not refute his authority; she embraced it. She understood that his authority was from God and that it was not only for her betterment, but for the good of the people as well. Esther’s wisdom was her trust in the wisdom of Mordecai. ?Likewise, we never outgrow or outlive the authority that our heavenly father has over us. Every man and woman needs to have this kind of authority in their lives. Without it, we will surely become a law unto ourselves and foolishly follow our own devices.