
Husband and Wife

Then his wife said to him, “Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die!”
(Job 2:9)
Job’s wife was not evil she was wrongly being protective of her husband. Human nature has not changed. There remains the tendency for wives to mother their husbands. As a matter of fact there is a stronger tendency to do so. The reason being is that there are few men with the integrity of a Job. Too many men desire to be mothered than to have a godly wife. Mothering is an innate characteristic, being a wife is a learned attribute. Job responded to his wife by ministering to her. And by keeping his integrity. There is at least a two-fold lesson here: Wives do not mother your husbands. Husbands don’t whine and nurse off of your wife’s feminine nature. Men be men. Women, let them be men. Men remember that your wife is not a man, don’t treat her like one. Women remember your husband is not your son, likewise, don’t treat him like one. Be husband and wife.