
Man In His Arrogance

The Lord reigns… Surely the world is established, so that it cannot be moved.
(Psalm 93:1)
Mankind at his best or worst cannot destroy what God has established. Even though God gave man dominion over His creation, man can only affect it to the point that God permits. We are stewards of the earth. We are to be responsible toward it as stewards. The earth does not belong to itself; it belongs to its Creator. The earth and its creatures both great and small are not to have rule and reign over its curators. No created thing is to have dominion over those who have been created in the image of God. No bird, no reptile, nor any mammal has equal rights with mankind. This does not mean that we are to abuse or misuse any of these, but they are not to have preference over the needs or the desires of people. The earth is not as fragile as some would expound. God created it to last until He decides to build a new heaven and a new earth.