
The Ways of an Angry Man

Make no friendship with an angry man… Lest you learn his ways and set a snare for your soul.
(Proverbs 22:24-25)
You know him; nothing can please him. He is always upset about something or somebody. He is an angry man. When around him you are constantly on guard. You have to watch every word and just hope that others will appease his wrath. These are the ways of his victims, usually those closest to him, his family. He dos not see himself as an angry man, he see others as useless, carefree and against him. He is to be avoided. You cannot change him. Only God can do that. When he sees that others are turning from him, maybe, just maybe, he will turn from his anger to the Lord and be healed of his wickedness. If you are this angry man, turn, turn from you anger. The world is not against you. You are against the world. Therefore repent of the attitude of your heart and be angry no more.