
There remains a Hope in the Darkest of Days

My spirit is broken, my days are extinguished, the grave is ready for me.
(Job 17:1)
Have you ever been there? Have you ever felt that there just isn’t anymore spirit in you to go on? If you belong to Christ, it is a temporary feeling. If anyone ever had cause to have a broken spirit it was Job. He had lost everything. Nevertheless God blessed the later days of Job far greater than his previous days. All you and I can do is see our present situation and remember the past. Nether is that accurate. Our memories are but snapshots. Our present situations are pass with the ticking of the clock. The only sure thing is the unknown of the future. And the future is in the hands of God. There are several things about the future that we can be sure of: we are going to die unless the Lord comes first. We are going to a place called heaven and we are going to live forever without sorrow, pain, hunger or any other spirit-braking ailment. If you have breath, your life has yet to be extinguished. There remains a hope, even in the darkest of days.