
We Judge According To Our Character

Therefore let us not judge one another anymore…
(Romans 14:13)
When we judge others, we inevitably judge them according to our own character. Furthermore, we will never judge accurately because there will always be at least one thing we will not know or understand. We simply will not have all the facts. Let us judge sin as sin, but let us refrain from judging one another as sinners. We can judge a deed or action as right or wrong according to the Word of the Lord. If it is attached to a person, we are to love them enough to warn them about their sin and help them be freed from it. We err greatly when we begin to judge character instead of deeds. Whenever we begin to attach unclear sin to the character of people we defame our own character. We do not know why people do the things that they do. We can only speculate by our own sinful natures.