
There is A Rock for You Too

By His Spirit He adorned the heavens…
(Job 26:13)
Early this morning I went for a run in the mountains behind my house. When I reached the top I stood and prayed on top a huge rock. I am going to guess that this rock was thirty to forty feet in diameter and weighed hundreds if not thousands of tons. I marveled at its beauty and stability. The moon was shining brightly and the sun was rising in the east. And I knew without a doubt that I was standing in the presence of creation. There is tremendous security in the fact that life is not a random haphazard chance. There is comfort in the fact that there is wonderful design thought out the universe. The heavens were not only created, they were awesomely adorned. God hung the stars and he arranged the planets. He placed the rock on which I stood purposefully. May I be so bold as to say I think He might have done it just for me. And I am sure that there is a rock waiting just for you too.