
Raising the Vine

The little foxes that spoil the vine.
(Song Of Solomon 2:15)
It is the little trials and distractions of life that eat away at our joy and peace: being caught in traffic, burning dinner or breaking our toys. Likewise it is the seemingly little sins that leave us in the spiritual doldrums. A little twisting of the truth, a little compromise, and a little flirtation and before it is realized the vines of our lives are ruined. Therefore let us take care not to feed the little foxes that eventually destroy lives. No matter how cute they may appear, let us run them off with force and determination. The next time we are tempted to compromise the truth or wink at sin, let us realize that these are the little foxes. Chase off the little foxes of laziness, doubts, fears and inordinate desires. Let us protect the fruit of our lives by raising the vine and chasing the little foxes away.