
Why He Has Fallen

How you have fallen from heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning…
(Isaiah 14:12)
The Adversary and the Accuser of the brethren was once the mightiest of angels. Now because of pride and rebellion he has fallen to the state of being the enemy of his creator. Pride will likewise take us from the brightness of the morning to the blackness of the darkest nights. Prides’ sisters, Jealousy and Envy are brides of destruction and lovers of hate. They are rebellious wenches who cannot stay the course of faithfulness nor honor the calling of God. They like Lucifer say in their hearts, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars.” As pride and rebellion brought Lucifer from heaven to hell, it will destroy you and me of all our goals, dreams and godly desires. Therefore as we are directed to “Submit to God and resist the devil,” let us likewise resist pride and rebellion and demand them to flee from our presents.