
How’s Your Diet?

It is not good to eat much honey; so to seek one’s own glory is not glory.
(Proverbs 25:27)
Just as it is not healthy to eat much junk food, it is not healthy to draw attention to yourself. Both are obvious; both are the result of an undisciplined lifestyle. We do live in an overweight egotistical society. We are unhealthy in the physical, mental and above all spiritual realms. We eat too much unhealthy food, think too highly of ourselves and God says, “It is not good.” We all need a healthy diet of physical, mental and spiritual foods. We need to eat right, think right and live right. True health comes in all three realms. Being healthy in each glorifies God. The easiest realm is the physical. If we cannot discipline ourselves with the food that perishes, how can we expect to do so with that which is heavenly? An undisciplined diet steams from an undisciplined life. God is not in control, our appetites are. If we are unwilling to surrender the physical, what makes us think we will surrender the mental and the spiritual?