
Receive The Increase

May the Lord give you increase more and more, you and your children.
(Psalm 115:14)
Increase comes with the expansion of the borders of our comfort zones. Unless we stretch ourselves we will by no means experience an increase in our lives. Increase involves risk taking and risk taking requires sound judgment and sound judgment is the fruit of faith. Our risks are to be calculated and our faith is to be in Christ. For example, buying a lottery ticket is a very poor calculated risk that does not exemplify faith in Christ. Working hard at a new endeavor that is honoring to God, on the other hand, requires both wise calculation and obedient faith. Therefore, let us hear the prayer of the psalmist as if it were directed toward our children and us. Let us seek to expand the borders of our lives. Let us receive the increase given by God in every realm: physically, economically and, above all, spiritually.