
No Sweat!

Do not be afraid of them nor be afraid of their words…or dismayed by their looks.
Who or what intimidates you? What situations dry your mouth and cause you to sweat? For most people, public speaking ranks at the top of intimidating things to do. I am a preacher; I stand before hundreds of people several times a week. Many of them come looking for answers to life’s situations. Some are life and death conditions. There were times at the beginning of my ministry that I would be so intimidated that I would literally run off of the platform. Every Sunday I would stand in front of the people and perspire to the point that the sweat would run down my face and discolor my tie. Nevertheless, I had something to say. I had a message that needed to be delivered. No matter how embarrassing it was, I was determined to do what I believed God would have me to do. It took ten years, but the intimidation of public speaking is gone. If we stay faithful to our calling, even when intimidated, God will bless our obedience and the people will endure our sweating.