
Let Us Enter the Promised Land

While it is said: “Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.”
(Hebrews 3:15)
The children of Israel rebelled against their God and spent forty years wandering in the wilderness. Except for Caleb and Joshua, they never entered into the Promised Land. They heard God’s voice and rebelled against that voice. We, likewise, hear the voice of God through the prompting of the Spirit and the clearness of the Word of God. The people of ancient Israel were no different than you and I. They were no more tempted than us, nor did they have any more available to them than we do. The same power that kept them keeps us. The same God that led them leads us. The question is, will we listen and obey or will we refuse to hear and rebel? Let us not harden our hearts as they did in the wilderness. There are two lands of promise for the believer. The first is the land of abundant life in Christ; the second is a place called heaven. Let us, therefore, enter into the Promised Land that God has intended us to occupy until He comes.