
Dealing With Trials

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials.
(1 Peter 1:6)
No matter what trials or even tragedies life may bring, we have the promise of a place called heaven. Not all trials are to be seen as negative events in our lives. Many of them, if not all of them, cause us to grow and gain understanding. Sometimes we need to be grieved. We need to experience life’s hardships. Without them we most likely would not appreciate life’s manifold blessings. When life’s hurts come my way, the first thing I bring to mind is that, “This too shall pass; it is a temporary situation.” Furthermore, when situations arise of which I have no control, I simply choose to release that situation to the Lord. If we learn to evaluate life’s trials from an eternal perspective, we will deal with them patiently and joyfully. If need be, we will be grieved by various trials, but we likewise can be of good cheer, because Christ has overcome the trials and heartaches of this world.