
The Lord, He Is God

God reigns over the nations; God sits on His holy throne.
(Psalm 47:8)
Let us never forget that the Lord, He is God. He never has to apologize or explain Himself. He does not have to qualify His Word or justify His ways. He is God. Like a loving parent, it is not the duty of the parent to understand the child. It is the duty of the child to understand the parent.
Because we have reversed roles and positions of authority we assume that God will likewise follow suit. He will not. He is God. And He does not change. We may, but He does not. Sin has not diminished nor has it expired. Sin remains sin, and God remains God. God’s order has not changed, nor has His alignment.
Whether in His Church, the government or our homes, God’s ways of doing business remain the same. Let us not attempt to fashion God to our lifestyles. Let us adapt our lifestyles to His unchanging ways. And let us never forget He is God.
Thought For The Night
“God is no distant deity but a constant reality, a very present help whenever needs occur. So? So live like it. And laugh like it! [The apostle] Paul did. While he lived he drained every drop of joy out of every day that passed.” Charles R. Swindoll, senior pastor of Stonebriar Community Church, chancellor of Dallas Theological Seminary.
Evening Text
Psalm 47:8: God reigns over the nations; God sits on His holy throne.
Looking for Answers
Evening Study Guide
Defining:  As “Lord” He is Supreme Master. As “God” He is The Supreme Being; the eternal and infinite Spirit, the creator and the sovereign sustainer of the universe.
Referencing: “Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; and let them say among the nations, ‘The Lord reigns,’” 1 Chronicles 16:31.
Applying: It is one thing to recognize Him as God, it is quite another to obey Him as Lord. Remember, even the demons believe in God and they at least tremble (James 2:19).