
The Offering

This is the offering which you shall offer…
(Ezekiel 45:13)
An offering is a free will gift to the work and ministry of God. It is to be given from the heart joyfully and regularly. The apostle Paul instructs, “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” “The tithe is the Lord’s. It is holy to the Lord” The offering is ours to be given to the Lord. The offering is the source of multiplied blessings. There are many ways to gain wealth, but the tithe and the offering bring true prosperity. Some offerings are to be given one time, others are given over a period of time. Usually they are given to meet a specific need or goal. The tithe is to keep and maintain the work of ministry. The offering is designed to build and grow the work of ministry. Furthermore, offerings are not to be given out of impulse, but prayerfully and purposefully. This is the offering which you shall offer.