
Confession Is Good For You

And I prayed to the Lord my God, and made confession…
(Daniel 9:4)
There is forgiveness in confession. The apostle John said, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Without confession there will be no repentance. We have to admit our faults and sins before we can turn from them. Confession is to be a part of our prayer life. We cannot mislead God. If we do not believe something, we cannot act as if we do. Therefore, tell Him what you believe, how you feel and what you have done. If you are angry, tell Him. If you are lusting, confess it. If you have bitterness or any shortcoming in your life, acknowledge it to Him. Own up to your emotions and desires. Tell God the ugly truth about yourself. He already knows. The adage, “Confession is good for the soul” is true. Sometimes I begin my prayers by saying, “Our Father in heaven, I’m in a bad mood today…”, and when I do, my mood begins to change. Confession is not only good, it is required.