
Correct Correctly

Correct your son, and he will give you rest; Yes, he will give delight to your soul.
(Proverbs 29:17)
A rebellious child will keep you from rest, weary you and bring you no delight. Rebellion is the result of a lack of discipline. As a child, it is the lack of correction from our parents. As adults, it is the lack of self-discipline. Giving or receiving discipline is never easy. It requires patience, understanding and, often, tough love. We, as of late, have been duped into believing that a child left to his or her own devices will turn out all right. God says, “The rod and rebuke give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.” How foolish of us to believe God’s Word with regard to eternal life and not believe it with regard to raising and training our children. The world says that it is unloving to chastise our children.  God says, “For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives.” Learn how to properly correct your children and yourself.