
Prattling Preacher or Prattling Ears?

“Do not prattle,” you say to those who prophesy. So they shall not prophesy to you; they shall not return insult for insult.
(Micah 2:6)
Do you hear the preaching of the Word of God as idle, meaningless chatter? Do you listen half-heartedly or with an element of contempt? The Word of the Lord is not a smorgasbord from which we pick and choose. It is to be received as a well-balanced meal. It is to be savored and relished, enjoyed and digested. Most of all, it is to be applied. It is to be the source of our energy, the nourishment required to sustain life. Do you see your preacher as one who prattles? One of you is wrong. Someone is in need of repentance. Most likely it is you. Your preacher may not be the most eloquent or the most profound. Nevertheless, he is most likely God’s man for you. God is most likely giving you all that you can handle. Instead of having a prattling preacher, you may have prattling ears. “So they shall not prophesy to you; they shall not return insult for insult.”