
Latent Abilities Atrophy

To everyone who has will be given; and from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.
(Luke 19:26)
When we utilize the gifts and talents that God has given us, those gifts and talents will be multiplied. Latent abilities at best will atrophy. It is a simple fact that those who have, receive even more. Those who do not have, cannot keep what they do have. Those with Christ draw closer to Him and those without Him fall further away. Riches and wealth multiply while poverty always lacks. Therefore we must utilize the endowments we have or we will lose them. What are you doing with that which Christ has called you to invest? Where are you multiplying your stipend? It is not too late. You still have time to acquire a return on God’s investment in you. God has invested His all in you, now take that investment and put it to a good work. He has not designed you for failure. He makes no bad investments. You have great value and potential. Start investing your time and resources into God’s program for your life and just watch the returns come your way.
Thought For The Night
“He seems to do nothing of Himself which He can possibly delegate to His creatures. He commands us to do slowly and blunderingly what He could do perfectly and in the twinkling of an eye. Creation seems to be delegation through and through. I suppose this is because He is a giver.” C.S. Lewis, “The efficacy of prayer,” (1959) in The world's last night and other essays.
Evening Text
Luke 19:26: “To everyone who has will be given; and from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”
Looking for Answers
Evening Study Guide
Defining:  “Atrophy”: that which happens to strength when not used. Muscles and brains, joints and ways will diminish if not used or exercised. Anything left to itself will fall into a state of entropy.
Referencing: “He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully,” 2 Corinthians 9:6.
Applying: Use it or loose it. Exercise your body, soul and spirit. Stay healthy physically, mentally, emotionally, and above all spiritually.