
Abigail’s Appeal

So David . . . said to her, “Go up in peace to your house. See, I have heeded your voice and respected your person.”
(1 Samuel 25:35)
Abigail appealed to David on behalf of her scoundrel husband Nabal and David heeded her appeal. Abigail knew the art of the appeal. She understood the power of timing, words, and even gifts. She did not wait until David and his men came to her, she went to them. She went bringing gifts, and she brought them humbly. She measured her words and appealed to David’s strength, not his weakness. She did not flatter nor did she attempt to bribe. She simply appealed honestly and openly. An appeal is not badgering, nor is it coercing. It is requesting, petitioning and beseeching. The art of appealing can be learned. However, the attitude of the appeal comes from the heart. You can say all the right words at the right time, but if you have the wrong attitude, you will fail at your appeal. Learn the attitude of Abigail; even more so learn the attitude of Christ. He did appeal to His Father on your behalf you know?
Text For The Day
1 Samuel 25:35: So David…said to her, “Go up in peace to your house. See, I have heeded your voice and respected your person.”
Thought For The Day
“Demanding anything of a sovereign is neither courageous nor wise, but appealing to that noble is the way of God.” Charles R. Biggs, Highlander Research and Education Center
Questions To Ponder
Morning Study Guide
Defining:  “Appeal”: The referring of a subordinate to superior, to call upon another for the purpose of changing their mind in a matter. The appeal is always to be presented with an attitude of humility. If humility is removed it is no longer an appeal, but a demand.
Referencing: “For love’s sake I rather appeal to you—being such a one as Paul, the aged, and now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ,” Philemon 9.
Applying: Learn the art of the appeal. Consider the appeal of Abigal to David, David to Saul, the apostle Paul for Onesimus, and Christ’s appealing to the Father on your behalf.