
Get Rid of Wickedness

When the wicked arise, men hide themselves; but when they perish, the righteous increase.
(Proverbs 28:28)
Fear is a great deterrent both positively and, as here, negatively. The positive aspect of fear is the fear of God and godly authority. The negative aspect of it is the fear of man and the fear of the evil one. "The fear of man brings a snare."[10] Therefore we must do our level best to ride our lives of the wicked and wickedness. If we are keeping bad company, we must change the company we keep. If we have any sort of wickedness in us we must likewise rid ourselves, by the grace of God, of that wickedness. If there is wickedness in our lives of which e have no physical control or power to overcome, then by all means take it and that authority to the Lord in prayer and implore Him to purge it or them out of our lives. In so doing, righteousness will prevail and prosperity will increase.