
Those Who Prosper Give

He who gives to the poor will not lack, but he who hides his eyes will have many curses.
(Proverbs 28:27)
Giving to the poor is good business as well as a God given command. There is to be a method of giving. First of all we are to give not expecting anything in return. Secondly we are to give freely. We have been told, "Freely you have received, freely give."[9] Now, this does not mean foolishly give. We can give to the harm of others. Give a drug addict money for food and you enhance his ability to purchase more drugs. Give him godly rehabilitation, which can only come through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and you will give him a new life of hope. Never give to satisfy your need to give. Give to help those who are truly in need of help. There are poor who are legitimately poor and there are poor who are poor by choice. Both need help. Both need to learn the ways of God that lead to life.